Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Nero Burning Rome - Why Its a Myth

Nero Burning Rome - Why Its a Myth Separated by almost two millennia from a devastating event in the ancient city of Rome, came a software program called Nero Burning Rom that allows you to burn discs. The event in ancient Rome was so significant that we still remember it, albeit, with crucial details confused. Rome burned, true, in A.D. 64. Ten of 14 districts burned. The involuntary demolition paved the way for Neros lavish building project that culminated in his domus aurea or Golden House and colossal self-statue. Nero, however, didnt burn Rome  or at least didnt start the burning. [See: Nero as Incendiary, by Robert K. Bohm; The Classical World, Vol. 79, No. 6 (Jul. - Aug., 1986), pp. 400-401.] Even had Nero been present at the time of the burning, the other tale told in connection with Nero burning Rome is untrue: Nero did not fiddle while Rome burned. At most he played a stringed instrument or sang an epic poem, but there were no violins, so he couldnt have fiddled. Tacitus on Nero Tacitus (Annals XV) writes the following about the possibility of Nero burning Rome. Notice that there are others who were deliberately setting fires and that Nero acted with some compassion towards the suddenly homeless. A disaster followed, whether accidental or treacherously contrived by the emperor, is uncertain, as authors have given both accounts, worse, however, and more dreadful than any which have ever happened to this city by the violence of fire. It had its beginning in that part of the circus which adjoins the Palatine and Caelian hills, where, amid the shops containing inflammable wares, the conflagration both broke out and instantly became so fierce and so rapid from the wind that it seized in its grasp the entire length of the circus. For here there were no houses fenced in by solid masonry, or temples surrounded by walls, or any other obstacle to interpose delay. The blaze in its fury ran first through the level portions of the city, then rising to the hills, while it again devastated every place below them, it outstripped all preventive measures; so rapid was the mischief and so completely at its mercy the city, with those narrow winding passages and irregular streets, which characte rised old Rome. Added to this were the wailings of terror-stricken women, the feebleness of age, the helpless inexperience of childhood, the crowds who sought to save themselves or others, dragging out the infirm or waiting for them, and by their hurry in the one case, by their delay in the other, aggravating the confusion. Often, while they looked behind them, they were intercepted by flames on their side or in their face. Or if they reached a refuge close at hand, when this too was seized by the fire, they found that, even places, which they had imagined to be remote, were involved in the same calamity. At last, doubting what they should avoid or whither betake themselves, they crowded the streets or flung themselves down in the fields, while some who had lost their all, even their very daily bread, and others out of love for their kinsfolk, whom they had been unable to rescue, perished, though escape was open to them. And no one dared to stop the mischief, because of incessant me naces from a number of persons who forbade the extinguishing of the flames, because again others openly hurled brands, and kept shouting that there was one who gave them authority, either seeking to plunder more freely, or obeying orders.Other ancient historians were quicker to put the finger on Nero. Heres what the court gossip Suetonius says:38 1 But he showed no greater mercy to the people or the walls of his capital. When someone in a general conversation said: When I am dead, be earth consumed by fire, he rejoined Nay, rather while I live, and his action was wholly in accord. For under cover of displeasure at the ugliness of the old buildings and the narrow, crooked streets, he set fire to the city so openly that several ex-consuls did not venture to lay hands on his chamberlains although they caught them on their estates with tow and fire-brands, while some granaries near the Golden House, whose room he particularly desired, were demolished by engines of war and then set on fi re, because their walls were of stone. 2 For six days and seven nights destruction raged, while the people were driven for shelter to monuments and tombs.Suetonius Nero Nero at this time was at Antium, and did not return to Rome until the fire approached his house, which he had built to connect the palace with the gardens of Maecenas. It could not, however, be stopped from devouring the palace, the house, and everything around it. However, to relieve the people, driven out homeless as they were, he threw open to them the Campus Martius and the public buildings of Agrippa, and even his own gardens, and raised temporary structures to receive the destitute multitude. Supplies of food were brought up from Ostia and the neighbouring towns, and the price of corn was reduced to three sesterces a peck. These acts, though popular, produced no effect, since a rumour had gone forth everywhere that, at the very time when the city was in flames, the emperor appeared on a private stage and sang of the destruction of Troy, comparing present misfortunes with the calamities of antiquity.At last, after five days, an end was put to the conflagration at the foot of th e Esquiline hill, by the destruction of all buildings on a vast space, so that the violence of the fire was met by clear ground and an open sky. But before people had laid aside their fears, the flames returned, with no less fury this second time, and especially in the spacious districts of the city. Consequently, though there was less loss of life, the temples of the gods, and the porticoes which were devoted to enjoyment, fell in a yet more widespread ruin. And to this conflagration there attached the greater infamy because it broke out on the Aemilian property of Tigellinus, and it seemed that Nero was aiming at the glory of founding a new city and calling it by his name. Rome, indeed, is divided into fourteen districts, four of which remained uninjured, three were levelled to the ground, while in the other seven were left only a few shattered, half-burnt relics of houses.Tacitus AnnalsTranslated by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb. Also see: Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned, by Mary Francis Gyles; The Classical Journal Vol. 42, No. 4 (Jan. 1947), 211‑217.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Pursing a Career as a Police Officer

Pursing a Career as a Police Officer A sociology degree is a very useful and relevant degree for any career in the criminal justice field. Police officers are one great example of this. As a career that is present in every city, town, and community across the country, becoming a police officer does not usually require relocation and is it is usually always in demand. One way that a sociology degree is especially helpful to a police officer is that it allows one to examine situations with knowledge of the structural issues that surround a society. For example, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, and age are all especially important for understanding specific conflict situations. Understanding the Effects Stereotypes Have It is always important to understand the effects that stereotypes have in how people perceive a community problem. Witnesses to a crime, for example, might believe a stereotype about the criminal and will therefore bias the true events. By understanding this and asking very specific questions, the police officer may be able to get an accurate depiction of the crime without any stereotyped influences. In conducting police work, it is also important to understand that communities are composed of relational networks. These networks can be especially important in both investigating crimes and in preventing criminal acts. Since police officers are constantly interacting with community members, education on how to interact with and deal with certain types of people is crucial. In fact, it is often the case that less than half of police academy training has to do with laws, legal codes, and weapons, and the majority of training is spent on human interaction. How a Sociology Degree Is Extremely Helpful This is where a sociology degree is extremely helpful. Role-playing, modeling people’s behavior, and understanding group dynamics is crucial to be a successful police officer. An understanding of cultural diversity is also important. Those going into a career in law enforcement need to learn that there are other patterns of living and officers need to learn to adapt to those patterns when they enter certain situations. Job Description The primary duty of police officers is to enforce the law. They help the community fight crime by making arrests, assisting people with emergencies, investigating crimes, helping prosecute crimes, collecting evidence, testifying in court, and writing detailed reports of crimes. Educational Requirements The educational requirements for police officers vary by city and community. Larger cities often require four-year degrees while some small communities only require a high-school diploma. However, the majority of places are now requiring formal job training, commonly an associate’s degree. Additional training is provided at a federal or state law enforcement academy after an officer is hired. Salary and Benefits Police officers entering the field can expect to earn on average between $22,000 and $26,000, however, some areas pay as low as $18,000. Salaries vary by city and region. After six years of service, police officers earn an average of $34,000 or more. Benefits are offered by the majority of police departments, which typically includes life insurance, medical benefits, and retirement plans. Other Recommendations For those thinking of entering a career as a police officer, there are some other recommendations that will help you during your career. First, it is important to understand cultural diversity and be able to adapt to different cultural contexts. Foreign language capability, especially Spanish, is nearly essential. Other languages might be emphasized according to local needs. For example, Southeast Asian languages (Vietnamese, Cambodian, Chinese etc.) are needed in parts of California. Computer literacy is also a must, as officers compose written reports that are transmitted directly and immediately to the department for analysis. Finally, oral communication skills are essential to conduct good community relations. Search for jobs in law enforcement or other sociology careers in your area. References Stephens, W.R. (2004). Careers in Sociology, Third Edition. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Criminal Justice USA. (2011). Police Officer. criminaljusticeusa.com/police-officer.html

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discussion Board 4-1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Discussion Board 4-1 - Assignment Example Suppression and denial of emotions leads to withdrawal and even development of antisocial behaviors that may spill to affect the nature of relationship with a family. The approach can be effective in treating a family with a depressed and withdrawn adolescent daughter who is experiencing first menstrual circle but fears to tell parents who discourage discussions about sex and sexual developments. In this case, the depression and withdrawal of the adolescent daughter may be the only causes of the presenting family problem. Parents may feel uncomfortable with emotional shifts in their daughter and opt to invite a therapist. Applying Experiential Therapy will enable a therapist directly and spontaneously interrogate the daughter about her concerns and reasons for emotional shift. Structural Therapy will not be effective because it can be possible that parents only prohibit discussions about sex with their children but encourage other topics. Interpersonal boundaries can be comforting to every member, and it may be difficult noting any inefficient boundary within the existing family

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Neurotransmitters, Biology and Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Neurotransmitters, Biology and Behavior - Essay Example Some of the identified neurotransmitters include acetylcholine, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin and gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA). According to Brown (1994), "Neurotransmitters function primarily to communicate between nerve cells in the brain, central nervous system and autonomic nervous system" (p.10). They may be excitatory or inhibitory in function. Acetylcholine and norepinephrine belong to the former category, while dopamine, serotonin, and GABA belong to the latter category. Thus depending on the specificity of the function being performed, neurotransmitters can set in motion appropriate biological reactions and behavior. In the words of Giovannoli (2001), neurotransmitters "influence human behavior, attitude, perception, temperament, love, and aggression, among other things" (p.43). Neurotransmitters have been shown to affect almost every aspect of human life. They affect mood swings, retentive skills, aggression, shyness, paranoia, exhilaration, sleep and even sexual activity or inactivity. They are also associated with disorders like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Dopamine's effect on the body is profound. It plays a dual role in controlling movement as well as emotions.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Apple Inc Development Essay Example for Free

Apple Inc Development Essay Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had withdrawn from Reed College and UC Berkeley, respectively by 1975. Wozniak designed a video terminal that he could use to log on to the minicomputers at Call Computer. Alex Kamradt commissioned the design and sold a small number of them through his firm. Aside from their interest in up-to-date technology, the impetus for the two Steves seems to have had another source. In his essay From Satori to Silicon Valley (published 1986), cultural historian Theodore Roszak made the point that the Apple Computer emerged from within the West Coast counterculture and the need to produce print-outs, letter labels, and databases. Roszak offers a bit of background on the development of the two Steves’ prototype models. In 1976, Wozniak started attending meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club. New microcomputers such as the Altair 8800 and the IMSAI inspired him to build a microprocessor into his video terminal and have a complete computer. At the time the only microcomputer CPUs generally available were the $179 Intel 8080 ($773.00 in present-day terms[11]), and the $170 Motorola 6800 ($734.00 in present-day terms[11]). Wozniak preferred the 6800, but both were out of his price range. So he watched, and learned, and designed computers on paper, waiting for the day he could afford a CPU. When MOS Technology released its $20 ($82.00 in present-day terms[11]) 6502 chip in 1976, Wozniak wrote a version of BASIC for it, then began to design a computer for it to run on. The 6502 was designed by the same people who designed the 6800, as many in Silicon Valley left employers to form their own companies. Wozniaks earlier 6800 paper-computer needed only minor changes to run on the new chip. Wozniak completed the machine and took it to Homebrew Computer Club meetings to show it off. At the meeting, Wozniak met his old friend Jobs, who was interested in the commercial potential of the small hobby machines. The Apple I was sold as an assembled circuit board and lacked basic features such as a keyboard, monitor, and case. The owner of this unit added a keyboard and a wooden case. The very first Apple Computer logo, drawn by Ronald Wayne, depicts Isaac Newton under an apple tree. The Apple logo in 1977 created by Rob Janoff with the rainbow color theme used until 1998. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had been friends for some time, having met in 1971, when their mutual friend, Bill Fernandez, introduced 21-year-old Wozniak to 16-year-old Jobs. Jobs managed to interest Wozniak in assembling a machine and selling it. Jobs approached a local computer store, The Byte Shop, who said they would be interested in the machine, but only if it came fully assembled. The owner, Paul Terrell, went further, saying he would order 50 of the machines and pay US $500 ($2.04 thousand in present-day terms[11]) each on delivery.[12] Jobs then took the purchase order that he had been given from the Byte Shop to Cramer Electronics, a national electronic parts distributor, and ordered the components he needed to assemble the Apple I Computer. The local credit manager asked Jobs how he was going to pay for the parts and he replied, I have this purchase order from the Byte Shop chain of computer stores for 50 of my computers and the payment terms are COD. If you give me the parts on a net 30 day terms I can build and deliver the computers in that time frame, collect my money from Terrell at the Byte Shop and pay you.[13] With that, the credit manager called Paul Terrell who was attending an IEEE computer conference at Asilomar in Pacific Grove and verified the validity of the purchase order. Amazed at the tenacity of Jobs, Terrell assured the credit manager if the computers showed up in his stores Jobs would be paid and would have more than enough money to pay for the parts order. The two Steves and their small crew spent day and night building and testing the computers and delivered to Terrell on time to pay his suppliers and have a tidy profit left over for their celebration and next order. Steve Jobs had found a way to finance his soon-to-be multimillion-dollar company without giving away one share of stock or ownership. The machine had only a few notable features. One was the use of a TV as the display system, whereas many machines had no display at all. This was not like the displays of later machines, however; text was displayed at a terribly slow 60 characters per second. However, this was still faster than the teleprinters used on contemporary machines of that era. The Apple I also included bootstrap code on ROM, which made it easier to start up. Finally, at the insistence of Paul Terrell, Wozniak also designed a cassette interface for loading and saving programs, at the then-rapid pace of 1200 bit/s. Although the machine was fairly simple, it was nevertheless a masterpiece of design, using far fewer parts than anything in its class, and quickly earning Wozniak a reputation as a master designer. Joined by another friend, Ronald Wayne, the three started to build the machines. Using a variety of methods, including borrowing space from friends and family, selling various prized items (like calculators and a VW bus) and scrounging, Jobs managed to secure the parts needed while Wozniak and Wayne assembled them. But the owner of the Byte Shop was expecting complete computers, not just printed circuit boards. The boards still being a product for the customers Terrell still paid them.[14] Eventually 200 of the Apple Is were built. Apple II Main article: Apple II series Wozniak had already moved on from the Apple I. Many of the design features of the I were due to the limited amount of money they had to construct the prototype, but with the income from the sales he was able to start construction of a greatly improved machine, the Apple II; it was presented to the public at the first West Coast Computer Faire on April 16 and April 17, 1977. On the first day of exhibition, Jobs introduced Apple II to a Japanese chemist named Toshio Mizushima who became the first authorized Apple dealer in Japan. The main difference internally was a completely redesigned TV interface, which held the display in memory. Now not only useful for simple text display, the Apple II included graphics, and, eventually, color. Jobs meanwhile pressed for a much improved case and keyboard, with the idea that the machine should be complete and ready to run out of the box. This was almost the case for the Apple I machines sold to The Byte Shop, but one still needed to plug various parts together and type in the code to run BASIC. Building such a machine was going to be fiscally burdensome. Jobs started looking for cash, but Wayne was somewhat gun shy due to a failed venture four years earlier, and eventually dropped out of the company. Banks were reluctant to lend Jobs money; the idea of a computer for ordinary people seemed absurd at the time. Jobs eventually met Mike Markkula who co-signed a bank loan for US$250,000, and the three formed Apple Computer on April 1, 1976. The name Apple was chosen because the company to beat in the technology industry at the time was Atari, and Apple Computer came before Atari alphabetically and thus also in the phone book. Another reason was that Jobs had happy memories of working on an Oregon apple farm one summer.[15] With both cash, and a new case design in hand thanks to designer Jerry Manock, the Apple II was released in 1977 and became the computer generally credited with creating the home computer market[citation needed]. Millions were sold well into the 1980s. A number of different models of the Apple II series were built, including the Apple IIe and Apple IIGS, which could still be found in many schools as late as 2005.[citation needed] Apple III While the Apple II was already established as a successful business-ready platform because of Visicalc, Apple was not content. The Apple III (Apple 3) was designed to take on the business environment. It was released on May 19, 1980. The Apple III was a relatively conservative design for computers of the era. However, Steve Jobs did not want the computer to have a fan; rather, he wanted the heat generated by the electronics to be dissipated through the chassis of the machine, forgoing the cooling fan. Unfortunately, the physical design of the case was not sufficient to cool the components inside it. By removing the fan from the design, the Apple III was prone to overheating. This caused the integrated circuit chips to disconnect from the motherboard. Customers who contacted Apple customer service were told to drop the computer on the desk, which would cause the ICs to fall back in to place. Thousands of Apple III computers were recalled and, although a new model was introduced in 1983 to rectify the problems, the damage was already done. Apple IPO In August 1980, the Financial Times reported that Apple Computer, the fast growing Californian manufacturer of small computers for the consumer, business and educational markets, is planning to go public later this year. [It] is the largest private manufacturer in the U.S. of small computers. Founded about five years ago as a small workshop business, it has become the second largest manufacturer of small computers, after the Radio Shack division of the Tandy company.[16] On December 12, 1980, Apple launched the Initial Public Offering of its stock to the investing public. When Apple went public, it generated more capital than any IPO since Ford Motor Company in 1956 and instantly created more millionaires (about 300) than any company in history.[17] Several venture capitalists cashed out, reaping billions in long-term capital gains. In January 1981, Apple held its first shareholders meeting as a public company in the Flint Center, a large auditorium at nearby De Anza College, which is often used for symphony concerts. (Previous meetings were held quietly in smaller rooms, because there had only been a few shareholders.) The business of the meeting had been planned (or choreographed) so that the voting could be staged in 15 minutes or less. In most cases, voting proxies are collected by mail and counted days or months before a meeting. In this case, after the IPO, many shares were in new hands. Steve Jobs started his prepared speech, but after being interrupted by voting several times, he dropped his prepared speech and delivered a long, emotionally charged talk about betrayal, lack of respect, and related topics.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Symbolism and Allegory in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown :: Young Goodman Brown YGB

Symbolism and Allegory in Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown Symbolism, something that figuratively represents something else, is prominent in many literary works. One piece of literature that stands out as a perfect example of symbolism is Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown." This story is completely symbolic, and provides a good example of an allegory, or a story in which concrete items or characters represent abstract ideas. Hawthorne uses both objects and people as symbols to better support the allegorical tones throughout "Young Goodman Brown." Nathaniel Hawthorne uses different people as symbols throughout "Young Goodman Brown." The largest symbolic roles in the story are goodman Brown and his wife Faith. Both of the characters' names are symbolic and representative of their personalities. "'With Heaven above and Faith below, I will stand firm against the devil!' cried goodman Brown," is just one of many quotes that directly relates goodman Brown's personality with his name (189). Goodman Brown is truly a good man. Faith, goodman Brown's wife, also has a name that is indicative of her nature. The story directly supports this point in the phrase "Faith, as the wife was aptly named . . . " (184). Faith is persistent in trying to keep goodman Brown off the path of sin in the first part of the story: " . . . pr'y thee, put off your journey until sunrise, and sleep in your own bed to-night" (184). Hawthorne does an excellent job of turning the main characters into symbols that are prominent throughout the story. Nathaniel Hawthorne also uses different objects in the story as symbols. One of these is the staff of the devil : "But the only thing about him, that could be fixed upon as remarkable, was his staff, which bore the likeness of a great black snake . . ." (185). This symbol shows the reader the evil that is involved with the devil character because the serpent is an archetype of the devil, or some sort of evil, which is prominent in many different cultures. Another object Hawthorne uses as a recurring symbol is the pink ribbon. The pink ribbon symbolizes the purity and innocence involved with Faith. "And Faith . . . thrust her own pretty had into the street, letting the wind play with the pink ribbons in her cap," is a great example of how Hawthorne correlates Faith with the pink ribbons of innocence (184).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Globalization and Sport Essay

â€Å"Sport is where an entire life can be compressed into a few hours, where the emotions of a lifetime can be felt on an acre or two of ground, where a person can suffer and die and rise again on six miles of trails through a New York City park. Sport is a theater where sinner can turn saint and a common man become an uncommon hero, where the past and the future can fuse with the present. Sport is singularly able to give us peak experiences where we feel completely one with the world and transcend all conflicts as we finally become our own potential. † This quote by George A. Sheehan taken from Quote Garden definitely says it all. They say if there’s one thing that binds a country and its people despite political differences and social struggles, it is sport. Sport is the most universal characteristic of pop culture. It defies language barriers and national boundaries to a common language of obsessions and desires. Globalization and Sport by Miller, Lawrence, McKay, and Rowe mediates between sport and culture, sport and globalization, or culture and globalization. It discusses that sport is not only an apparent means of one’s pleasure, but also a part of government, economics, and socials of daily life. Sport is also scrutinized as a major guise of globalization. As I have earlier said, sport unifies organizations, communities and brings forth economic abundance. What makes world championships or Olympic Games enticing is the fact that the world is so focused on a specific country or organization. The fight for victory, power, and recognition are mainly the goals of competing countries showing off their skills and strength via television to countless expectant viewers. The fight of their country is the fight for globalization. What then is globalization? It is a â€Å"process through which space and time are compressed by technology, information flows, and trade and power relations, allowing distant actions to have increased significance at the local level† (Miller et al, 2001, p. 131). Also, globalization simply means autonomous movement for goods and people. This movement is said to have a definite influence on intellectual, economic, social, and governmental practices. Thus, it is regarded as the keyword for the international trade plans of the sports industry and the business sector. What are the effects of globalization of sport in the local and national scales? Debates are strong and fierce in globalization. There is a sudden emergence of a pro-globalist and anti-globalist. This new concept is to some extent viewed in two opposing perspectives. Globalization is considered as an indication of progress or advancement, especially for Third World countries who attest to utilizing sport for nation building objectives. But for some people, globalization is an adversity to the world economy. Little nations or few developing countries still do fear of being taken over, completely ruled and dominated by the much industrialized nations such as the United States and Europe through the intervention of sports entertainment. They blame globalization for confusing the true identity of the country and the culture of its people, undermining nationalism. In fact globalized sports in media influence people’s opinions regarding their own origin and other countries as well. Similar writings about sport, globalization, and cultural imperialism offer a full description as to how sport connects with distinct mentalities within the historical and national frameworks. But only time will tell which perspective is correct, if a nation’s transformation towards globalization is actually healthy and significant. Lest we forget that there also people who are standing just in the middle of things, waiting for good endings to happen. The authors see globalization as ugly and dangerous. Our sense of space and time through media is questioned, and jobs are unlikely accepted by individuals on the basis of price and docility rather than work conditions. The authors are also interested in the governmentalization, Americanization, televisualization, and commodification which they see as altogether important to globalization. Globalization process needs to address a lot of political or cultural issues, and so as not to merely be considered as a brand name for economists and sociologists disguising in the world of sports, because it is not only the so-called ruling class that tries to profit from the worldwide focus on a given country or event, but even the opposing forces also try to generate news-value to get the attention of the media. The book is enthralling, ideas are thoroughly researched and written, and evidences are vividly shown through eventful phases in the history of sports and media. It is a fascinating book that discusses the theories and effects of globalization in the sports industry. It brings down a very extensive and critical analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of global sports, its historical and cultural considerations, and the role of media in globalizing it. Television is a particular marker of globalization and thus, inseparable with global sport. Remember how sport communicates with advertising, promotion, and commodification as it collects experiences between nations. The author and contributing writers made a wonderful job in collating data from previous to the current events that are taking hold in the nation. Presenting their sample ideas and evidences in their arguments are great means to fully comprehend the parameters of sport and globalization. In this case, it is not misleading its readers. It is highly recommended to academicians, sports enthusiasts, and even to the newbie in the sociology of sports. The major author Toby Miller is an editor and a professor who studies media, sport, labor, gender, race, citizenship, politics, cultural policy, textual analysis, archival research, and ethnography. Co-author Geoffrey Lawrence is foundation professor of sociology and the executive director of the Institute for Sustainable Regional Development at Central Queensland University, Australia. Co-author Jim McKay teaches pop culture in the Co-author David Rowe is an associate professor in media and cultural studies. Everyday is a lingering moment of reflection. We wake up and see ourselves on a different plane. We sleep and hope that tomorrow will still remain. But again, we wake up and find that who we are yesterday is not who we are now. What we think is real is almost dead and gone in our dreams. Globalization is storming over every nation like angry wind and rain. It is painstakingly taking over each life every single day, changing the course of an individual, a society, and eventually the whole nation. If we cannot escape the evolution in civilization, then our lives will continuously revolve on our country’s political axis. They say the bearing of a man remains to be seen in the culture of its nation. What happens to our culture if we are eventually drowned by globalization? Even in the most entertaining way to release our frustrations, which is sport, globalization has taken over. If we are globalized, are we surely free? Can you clothe the naked with your global brands of sports clothing? Can you feed international recognition and power to the hungry? Can you house the homeless in your house of victory? Can you water hope to the hopelessly stricken? Then each poor man in this world will have to painfully battle against economic modernization or industrialization. Therefore, men should not live in a world where he feels condemned to this kind of fake freedom, and if losing one’s self is the price of it. But that wishful thinking remains up to this day impossible. Reference Miller, T. , Lawrence, G. , McKay, J. , Rowe, D. (2001). Globalization and sport: playing the world. London: Sage.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Comparison of Poll Tax Country” to Black Like Me

â€Å"The Comparison of Poll Tax Country† to Black like Me John Griffin was a normal white man living an average life. He like many other whites knew that people of color were discriminated against, but he never really knew how much the color of one’s skin made a difference in the way people act. If Griffin had seen â€Å"poll tax country† he would have seen racism in a new light. Griffin’s experiment was to go down south as a colored man to learn the truth of how life was a black man. By look at the painting â€Å"Poll Tax Country,† one can see who had the power in early-1900s Southern society.After slavery blacks were still discriminated against and had to travel miles just to find a bathroom for blacks. â€Å"Poll Tax Country† shows a new perspective on how blacks were treated as people and how was each others back was the only thing that kept them going. In â€Å"Poll Tax Country,† a detail that stood out was the columns that held up the roof of the platform. One of the columns matches those of the Supreme Court and the White House. The different columns symbolize different branches and groups of people that came together to makes laws to keep blacks in debt in certain areas.The column have historical significance: columns have been used since the times of the ancient Egyptians and Romans. Both civilizations had slaves to build monuments that would withstand the test of time. Similarly, the people who built the New World were indentured servants who came to the New World with the hope of starting a new life. Slaves have played a big role in society as far back as the ancient Egyptians, building towns and monuments that still stand today. The columns connect to slavery – without slaves, many of today’s wonders might not exist.Slavery is a dark time in every society’s history. However, slaves had a major contribution to the forming of nations. The first slaves of this nation came with the s ettlers that came from England. As time when on, Africans were packed on ships and brought here to be sold into slavery. Many whites like John Griffin, knew about slavery and heard many stories about it. However, in the 1940’s they never understood the extent of racism down south. When John Griffin went down south as a black man the way he was treated was very different from how he was treated as a white man.As a white man masked in black he was able to see how black people really interacted with each other. Also, he was able to see how whites really saw blacks and how they interacted with them. As one white hunter who gave Griffin a ride in Alabama said, â€Å"I’ll tell you how it is here. We’ll do business with you people. We’ll sure as hell screw your women. Other than that, you’re just completely off the record as far as we’re concerned. †(Griffin111). Griffin described this man as an ordinary, respectable family man. It is only t o black people that he revealed his ugly, racist sickness.Sadly, his words reflect the attitude of many white racists in the South. What John Griffin learned that day was very important because although slaves did the work, they are not glorified in textbooks and were mostly forgotten. John Griffin talked about how an educated black that could afford to vote, answered many questions that many people would not know how to answer; he did not get to vote because the government work would give him a poll test he could not pass. The court system was not always fair and laws were made to keep African Americans from voting so whites could keep control.In â€Å"poll tax country,† in the middle of the gazebo among all the different people is a priest. A man of god that should fair to all people is on the side of the men trying to keep you down. They had no god or person to turn to in their darkest hour African American were being squeezing down on to feel pressured. As slaves, they ca nnot not trust outsiders; they had to live in packs and work back to back. In the picture the works were almost on top of each working an area that could be manned by two to three people at the max. doesn’t make sense. This was a gang – they worked together and protected each other to survive.John Griffin saw many things in his experiment that put things into perspective. As a black man he was degraded by whites who felt that they were superior to him. Society strived to keep African Americans controlled so whites would remain dominant. Down south that made it hard for blacks to vote, get good jobs, or even use public bathroom. The whites that cashed their cash always seemed to need more that what was on the check. Doesn’t make sense the poor working black was always in debt. Griffin brought up a story about a well educated black man who wanted to vote but was never able o because the official gave him a test that was unfair and they both knew that he would not pass it. â€Å"I can read the headline†¦ It says this one negro in Mississippi who’s not going to get to vote this year. † (Griffin, 81). In this joke by P. D. East about the voting rights for blacks in the South, a black man who wants to vote is given a newspaper in Chinese in order to test his literacy. East tells the joke to shine a light on the problem facing blacks being prohibited from voting in the South. By preventing blacks from voting, whites removed their voice in matters.This way the law stayed on the side of the whites, and blacks never had a chance to make changes. In the painting, a congressman stands in front preaching to the people and filling their heads with empty words. However, shadowing the congress man is a KKK member that looks as if he is in control of what the congressman says. The audience has stopped listening to the words they have heard many times before. They have lost hope in their government that represents only the white people, k nowing that the people who lynch them are the same ones who hold public offices.Many have lost hope in seeing the change that they were promised, still working like slaves 90 years after the Civil War. John Griffin had never known how blacks felt about politicians because he had never faced laws that made it harder to get by everyday as a white man. To him the government was a government by the people for the people, but in fact government was mostly run by white, racists and even members of the KKK. Being black showed Griffin the double standards of this government of, for, and by the people.As a white man he could go to white facilities or black facilities if he chose, and he could enter, do, and say as he pleases. However, as a black man he could only go to black facilities and he had to respect whites. A white man when into a black facility on day and put up a file stating that any black man willing to bring young black female to them will get paid. The fact that white men had t he power to do such things is degrading both to a man as well as to the entire African- race. While whites were promoting pimping and prostitution, the government was simply looking the other way.However, the government imposed a steep fine on hunting alligators. The fact that a poor sawmill worker who lived on the swamp with his wife and six children could not hunt the alligators endangered his family every day: â€Å"I’ll tell you—if we don’t have meat to cook with the beans, why she just goes ahead and cooks the beans anyhow. † (Griffin111). When Griffin traveled through the rural swamp country in Alabama, he met a poor black sawmill worker who offered him a place to stay on the floor of his shack. Griffin is touched by the man’s generosity.The man and his wife are thankful for what they have. If there is no meat to cook, the man notes, his wife doesn’t complain; she just serves beans. Realistically, the man has enough meat around his hom e to feed his family for many years to come. However, because governments know that most blacks would benefit from alligator meat, they impose fines that whites could afford to pay off but not blacks. That night John Griffin thought of his kids and how they were living right now, and how if he and his family were not white they too might be reduced to this squalid standard of living.Griffin had been black for a couple of weeks and was sick to his stomach from his experience he couldn’t handle it anymore. Blacks had to handle much abuse from whites that want to keep controlling them on a daily basis but yet they stood strong to the end. â€Å"Black like me† and â€Å"Poll Tax Country† share many ideas of what racism was really like down south. John Griffins experiment showed how a normal, kind-looking family man could become so cruel to another human due to the color of the skin. He showed how the government squeezed down on anyone that was not white by any means available.Blacks could not turn for help from the government, or the even the men of god. They were made into second class citizens that had little to no rights and every apportioned was give to white society. Courts were run by whites who were prejudice, the government was filled with racists and the rest was manipulated by the very men that felt they were the only one’s fit to roam the lands. Blacks were being degraded to keep their hopes down and to control them. Keeping control by making them second class citizens and in debt there whole life makes them less likely to rebel because they would feel less likely to win.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ed Sullivan, Variety Show Host Influenced American Culture

Ed Sullivan, Variety Show Host Influenced American Culture Ed Sullivan was a newspaperman who became an unlikely cultural force during the early decades of television. His Sunday night variety show was considered a weekly event in homes around the country. The Ed Sullivan Show is widely remembered for giving The Beatles their first exposure in America, an event in early 1964 which seemed to change the culture overnight. A decade earlier, Elvis Presley had also made a huge impression on Sullivans stage, generating a national controversy while turning many young Americans into instant fans of rock n roll. Fast Facts: Ed Sullivan Born: September 28, 1902 in New York CityDied: October 13, 1974 in New York CityKnown For: As host of a weekly variety show broadcast on Sunday nights, Sullivan had enormous influence on American show business.Parents: Peter Arthur Sullivan and Elizabeth F. SmithSpouse: Sylvia WeinsteinChildren: Betty Sullivan Besides showcasing musicians, Sullivans weekly show was marked by its eclectic, and often simply odd, array of performers. Broadway stars might perform a scene from a hit musical, nightclub comedians would tell jokes about their wives and mothers in law, magicians would perform elaborate tricks, and circus performers would tumble, juggle, or spin plates. What happened on Sullivans show became part of the national conversation. By the time his show ended in 1971, it was estimated that more than 10,000 performers had appeared. During the 1950s and 1960s a mark of success in show business meant appearing on The Ed Sullivan Show. Early Life and Career Edward Vincent Sullivan was born on September 28, 1902, in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. His father, a customs inspector, was the son of an Irish immigrant, and his mother was an amateur painter who loved the arts. Sullivan had a twin brother who died in infancy, and as a child his family moved out of New York City to Port Chester, New York. Growing up, Sullivan was influenced by his parents love of music. He attended Catholic schools, and at St. Mary’s High School he wrote for the school newspaper and played several sports. After high school an uncle offered to pay his college tuition, but Sullivan chose to go directly into the newspaper business. In 1918 he got a job at the local Port Chester newspaper. He briefly worked for a newspaper in Hartford, Connecticut, but then moved on to New York City. In the early 1930s he became a columnist for the New York Daily News. He covered Broadway and show business in general, and began appearing on radio broadcasts. To augment his income, Sullivan would moonlight as the emcee at Times Square theaters that featured live vaudeville acts and movies. After appearing on an early television broadcast, an advertising executive thought Sullivan should host a regular TV show. On June 20, 1948, he first appeared as the host of a CBS variety show, â€Å"The Toast of the Town.† Ed Sullivan. Getty Images   Television Pioneer Sullivans show was not immediately successful, but after obtaining a new steady sponsor, Lincoln-Mercury automobiles, and a new name, The Ed Sullivan Show, it caught on. His 1974 obituary in the New York Times noted that Sullivans appeal was often baffling to anyone seeking to explain it. Even his onstage awkwardness became part of his charm. His weekly promise to the audience was that he was presenting a really big show. For decades, impressionists, playing on Sullivans peculiar diction, mimicked his catchphrase as a rilly big shew. The core of Sullivans lasting appeal was his credibility as a judge of talent. The American public came to believe that if Ed Sullivan put someone on his show they were worthy of attention. The Elvis Controversy 10/28/1956-New York, NY: Elvis Presley, rock and roll sensation, as he rehearses with his band for The Ed Sullivan Show. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images In the summer of 1956, Elvis Presley appeared on television on â€Å"The Steve Allen Show.† But it wasn’t until his appearance on Ed Sullivan’s program on September 9, 1956, that mainstream America was shocked by what they saw. (Sullivan, recuperating from a serious auto accident, didn’t host that night; actor Charles Laughton was the guest host.) Some viewers, appalled by Presley’s â€Å"suggestive† dancing, criticized Sullivan harshly. The television critic of the New York Times, Jack Gould, published a denunciation of Presley the following Sunday. Gould wrote that Presley was a â€Å"gyrating figure† generally found on the fringes of show business, and that his â€Å"bumps and grinds† could â€Å"overstimulate† teenagers. The following month, Elvis returned for a performance on the night of October 28, 1956. Sullivan was back hosting, and again criticism followed. Sullivan hosted Elvis again on January 6, 1957, but CBS executives insisted that the singer only be shown from the waist up, keeping his swiveling hips safely out of sight. Cultural Milestones on Sunday Nights Ed Sullivan with The Beatles. Getty Images Eight years later, Sullivan made more cultural history by hosting The Beatles on their first visit to America. Their initial appearance, on February 9, 1964, set ratings records. It was estimated that 60 percent of American televisions were tuned into their performance. Coming less than three months after the assassination of President Kennedy, Sullivan showcasing The Beatles seemed like a very welcome bit of fun. In the following years, Sullivan would host a number of musicians who were changing the culture, including The Rolling Stones, The Supremes, James Brown, Janis Joplin, The Doors, The Jefferson Airplane, Johnny Cash, and Ray Charles. When network affiliates and advertisers suggested he should avoid booking black performers so as not to offend viewers in the South, he refused. Sullivan’s show endured for 23 years, ending in 1971. He produced some TV specials after giving up the weekly show before becoming ill with cancer. He died in New York on October 13, 1974. Sources Ed Sullivan. Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ed., vol. 19, Gale, 2004, pp. 374-376. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Coletta, Charles. Sullivan, Ed (1902–1974). St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture, edited by Thomas Riggs, 2nd ed., vol. 5, St. James Press, 2013, pp. 6-8. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Goldfarb, Sheldon. The Ed Sullivan Show. Bowling, Beatniks, and Bell-Bottoms: Pop Culture of 20th-Century America, edited by Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, vol. 3: 1940s-1950s, UXL, 2002, pp. 739-741. Gale Virtual Reference Library.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Time Expressions in Spanish

Time Expressions in Spanish Here are some miscellaneous words and expressions of time, with an example of each used in a sentence: al cabo de (after) - Al cabo de una semana, si el paciente no ha respondido al tratamiento, la dosis puede ajustarse. After a week, if the patient hasnt responded to the treatment, the dose can be adjusted.  ¿A cuntos estamos?  ¿A cuntos estamos hoy? (What day is it?) cada dà ­a (each day, every day) - Cada dà ­a te quiero ms. I love you more each day. el fin de semana (weekend) - Disfrute de un fin de semana romntico en nuestro hotel. Enjoy a romantic weekend in our hotel. de hoy en ocho dà ­as (a week from today) - De hoy en ocho dà ­as nos parecer que fue todo un mal sueà ±o. A week from now it will seem to us like it was all a bad dream. pasado/a (last) - La semana pasada fuimos a la ciudad. Last week we went to the city. prà ³ximo/a (next) - La vacunacià ³n masiva comenzar la semana prà ³xima.The mass vaccination will begin next week. (Prà ³xima can also be placed before the time designation.)  ¿Quà © fecha es hoy? (What day is it today?) que viene (next) - El DVD estar disponible la semana que viene. The DVD will be available next week. quince dà ­as (two weeks, fortnight) - Cada quince dà ­as se extingue una de las 6.700 lenguas del mundo. Every two weeks one of the worlds 6,700 languages goes extinct. un rato (a while) - Y despuà ©s saltaba a la piscina y nadaba un rato. And afterward I would jump in the pool and swim for a while. todos los dà ­as (every day) - Jugar todos los dà ­as con los hijos es fundamental para su desarollo. Playing every day with your children is essential for their development.

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Accounting (CASH FLOWS IN BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS) - Coursework Example Comparatively, net cash flow is defined as the difference between the amount of cash that come in and go out of a company within a period. To begin with, to understand the underlying factor causing the difference in these two major accounting items, it is important to recapture the fact that the estimation of a company’s net profit is guided by some rules provided by the GAAP. Unlike net profit, cash flow determination is not affected by any rules established by GAAP (Robbins 2014, par. 1-11). Second, it is important to note that net profit is determined by subtracting the operating expenses incurred in the process of producing goods from revenues generated by the sales proceeds of those goods and services. On the other hand, cash inflows or outflows of a business are not generated from the sales of goods and services. Instead, cash inflows come from sources such as loans and gifts whereas cash outflows arise due to activities such loan repayment. Therefore, a company can make losses but have a positive net cash flow, balance due to a substantial amount of borrowed money. Below is a hypothetical illustration of the difference. With reference to the provisions of the international accounting standards 7 (IAS 7), the indirect method of cash flow preparation involves commencement with the net income, which is adjusted for other transactions in order to obtain the net cash flow. Whereas, the direct method simply outlines cash inflows and outflows that form part of the operating activities of a company. In the latter, the difference between the negative figures (outflows) and the positive figures (inflows) gives the net cash flow. Illustrations are provided under appendix A and B (Gowthorpe 2005, pp. 212). Operating activities: appendix 2 and 3 contains a copy of the two companies cash flow statement. In the year 2011 and 2012, the following transpired as shown in the cash flow