Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Essay on Christmas Shopping Chaos - 719 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Few events require as much skill and as much use of the five senses, or six if there is another sense (which can only give its possessor the upper hand at this highly competitive time), as Christmas shopping. Sight must be incorporated in the thrilling hunt for the perfect parking space, or in event of its absence, a parking space. Looking for empty spaces, cars leaving spaces, cars that will dart in front of other cars for a space, and gauging distance to dart in front of another car for a parking space. Also to be seen upon entering the shopping facility, usually a mall, are the large ornaments, lights, and other decorations reminding you of the season and why you are there. The crowds will be undeniably†¦show more content†¦Carrying a cell phone is smart in case someone is separated form the group, be sure to listen for the ring tone. Be prepared to hear a lot of really annoying ring tones from other cell phones. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Shopping trips like these tend to be lengthy, so a break should be taken to sit, eat, and consume vast amounts of caffeine by way of coffee or coffee like beverages. Leaving the mall and repeating the strenuous parking procedure is not recommended, making the food court and in mall restaurants the only options for sustenance. The food court offers dishes in varying tastes and textures, form crunchy taco shells to soft pizza crust. The warm rich flavor of coffee can alleviate stress and boost energy temporarily, however, this can leave a strange after taste in the mouth. Breath mints, or gum are a good remedy for this, especially if they have a mint of cinnamon taste. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;With so many people in one place, there are bound to be a lot of scents, some that will blend well, some that won’t. Inevitably, some of the gentlemen will apply too much cologne, and the ladies likewise with perfume. Such strong smells have a sick sweetness to them and can have a dizzying affect on the person inhaling them. Many of the stores will also smell of colognes and perfumes that they sell. Shops specializing in soap and body lotions will varying fruity smells that will beShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Christmas792 Words   |  4 Pages Around this time of year, it can be hard to get a good present for a friend or family member when you dont have enough money. Especially Christmas, you are expected to buy everyone in your family a present and it all adds up and it can get a bit pricey. But that cant stop you from finding a way to have something to give each other on Christmas morning. I am going to tell you how to pick out the perfec t present when your not looking to spend a lot of money. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Essays - 856 Words

Teaching Philosophy I take a completely humanistic view when it comes to educating children. I believe that Maslow was correct in his belief that people genuinely strive to reach the highest level of their capabilities. I also believe that everyone can reach his/her self-actualization if their lower hierarchy of needs are met first. I want to focus on three things: Maslows levels, how they affect children and educators, and what I feel is the best tool we can give our students before they head out into the world of independence. The first level of Maslows pyramid is basic physiological needs. I know that not every child will walk into my classroom having these needs fulfilled, and for me to expect them to gain much if†¦show more content†¦Phrases such as better carry a gun to class or better watch out for those kids in camouflage. these phrases dont make me afraid; they make me angry. If people would stop joking long enough to take classroom safety seriously, no child or teacher would feel threatened at school. I want myself included in my classroom community. I want everyone in that room to feel that they have someone else looking out for their care and safety. I will never give up on trying to make kids see beyond themselves to view the big picture. This does not have to be a dog eat dog, rat race world. If my goals of a true classroom community are reached, then I wont even have to work on Maslows third level of love and belongingness; it wont be a problem. Children have a keen sense of another childs self-esteem. They seem to have radar that can pick up on the weakest child in a classroom. A child that feels that he/she is not worthy of friendship or that he/she is a failure at all they do seem to send out signals that can be felt by the other students. Some children respond to that in a loving and protective manner. They are always the one rooting for the underdog. Most children, however, respond by picking on this child, taunting him until he cries, excluding him/her from group activities, and games, etc. It is the teachers responsibility to help set the acceptable standards of behavior in the classroom. Too many times I have seen teachers respond to these weakened children inShow MoreRelatedEssay on Teaching Philosophy Statement1037 Words   |  5 PagesTeaching Philosophy Statement â€Å"Teaching is not a profession; it’s a passion. Without passion for your subject and a desire for your students to learn and be the best in the world, then we have failed as a teacher and failure is not an option.† –John F. Podojil. In my opinion, this quotation is very true. If you do not have the passion to teach your students what is right in the world and what makes them be the best they can be, then you are not really teaching your students orRead More Teaching Philosophy Statement Essay922 Words   |  4 PagesTeaching Philosophy Statement Knowing that you have had an impact on someone and ending the day feeling like you changed just one life could be the best job in the world. To me those feelings and thoughts can only come from one profession-teaching. I have a family full of teachers and it is exciting to see them come home and have that satisfaction of influencing someone’s life. I want to be apart of that feeling and emotion. I have chosen the route to be a SpecialRead MorePersonal Statement Of Teaching Philosophy1254 Words   |  6 PagesStatement of Teaching Philosophy Stephanie Speicher, M.Ed. â€Å"I regard it as the foremost task of education to insure the survival of these qualities: an enterprising spirit, tenacity in pursuit, readiness for sensible self-denial, and above all compassion† Hahn, K. (1957, p.10). Outward bound. New York City: World Books. Foundation – The Sunrise I stood watching the sunrise on the final day of a weeklong backpack/rock climbing training with my college orientation program. The tears streamed downRead More Teaching Philosophy Statement Essay1192 Words   |  5 PagesTeaching Philosophy Statement In the movie The Matrix, Morphis says to Neo â€Å"I can only show you the door, I can’t open it for you.† The door that Morphis is talking about is this incredible vast knowledge that is unknown to Neo. What better person to show, to teach, to inform Neo than his teacher, Morphis. You see, I see myself as Morphis, the teacher, whenever I step into a classroom. As I look across the room, there isn’t just one â€Å"Neo†, but there are thirty or forty Neos. This is an extremeRead More My Philosophy of Teaching Essay598 Words   |  3 PagesMy Philosophy of Teaching Education is an important aspect in the lives of all individuals. From the day we are born until the day we die, we are constantly learning. At a very young age, children begin attending school. Throughout their educational career, children have many different teachers who hold many different views, beliefs, and values. Methods of instruction, personalities, and classroom interaction are all unique to the teacher. Some teachers may come in each day justRead MoreMy Original Teaching Philosophy Statement946 Words   |  4 PagesI honestly would not make any changes to my original teaching philosophy statement because I believe that after reading through the entire phycology book, the things I read only supported the things I stated in my philosophy statement. When writing my philosophy statement I had not taken any previous education classes to aid my original teaching philosophy but I have been working with kids my entire life and so I have seen first hand what things work with children and what does not. This does notRead MoreTeaching And Coaching As A Philosophy2275 Words   |  10 PagesA philosophy can be defined as ‘a set of values and behaviours that serve to guide the actions of a coach’ (Wilcox and Trudel, 1998, p.41). By drawing from all facets of a person’s life, each is specific to the learner and distinguishes teachers and coaches from one another. It can be consciously developed as the professional, teacher/coach and student within education is exposed to a practice as well as other life experiences. It is believed that ‘clearly articulating one’s philosophy is a prerequisiteRead MoreThe Statement Of Teaching Philosophy1775 Words   |  8 PagesMy Philosophy Introduction â€Å"The statement of teaching philosophy (also called the teaching statement or teaching philosophy statement) promotes reflective practice by encouraging instructors to describe their teaching methods, to justify why they use those methods, to analyze the effectiveness of those methods, and to consider how they might appropriately modify those methods in future courses.† (Schà ¶nwetter et al., 2002) Stake holder motivation, engagement, cognitive associations, and personalRead MorePlato s Teachings Of Philosophy1487 Words   |  6 Pagesdistinguished philosophers. Although Plato’s teachings are not universally agreed upon, virtually anyone can agree that that he was a brilliant thinker and spurred many thoughts and beliefs that are carried into today’s teachings of philosophy. While the precise relationship of Plato and Socrates remains a heated disagreement among scholars, Plato states that he was, in fact, a devoted follower of Socrates. Plato was highly influenced by Socrates’ teachings and highly disturbed by his execution, eventuallyRead More My Philosophy of Teaching Essay1025 Words   |  5 Pages My Philosophy of Teaching In the field of education there could arise many philosophical ideas of each individual teacher. Many of the past philosophies have been and still are used in today’s education programs, such as the Socratic method. My philosophy will also contain some of the many philosophies of the past and possibly the future. I will state the nature of students, the nature of knowledge, the purpose of public education, method, and curriculum according to my own philosophies

Monday, December 9, 2019

Set You Free by Gary Allan free essay sample

Gary Allan is one of country musics biggest stars. Set You Free is Allan’s first album after a hiatus of three years. The album is stellar through all twelve tracks. The album Set You Free tells the story of a person who has finally forgiven the events in his past and is able to move forward in life. The album’s title comes from a line in the album’s lead single, â€Å"Every Storm (Runs Out Of Rain).† â€Å"Every Storm (Runs Out Of Rain)† is a ballad that has touched many country fans. Fans were so intrigued by the song, it just became the fastest rising song of Allan’s career. The song is easily relatable to those who have experienced many downfalls in their lives. Gary performs the track with honesty, affirming that the bad will not last forever. It is the perfect way to start off an album. We will write a custom essay sample on Set You Free by Gary Allan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If country fans fell in love with â€Å"Every Storm† they will continue to love the rest of what Set You Free has to offer. The following song is my favorite. â€Å"Bones† describes a relationship at the very end. Allan almost triumphantly sings of a hole he has begun digging at first for himself, but then realizes that he might as well dig the hole for his girlfriend, which has caused him so much pain. Yes, the lyrics may tell a dark story, but Gary Allan portrays an upbeat attitude and makes the song fun and enjoyable to listen to. These are the types of songs radio likes to snatch up. The singer has a tendency to mix in a few songs about new love and how he takes it differently than relationships in the past on songs like â€Å"Drop.† For Allan’s past few albums, you can see a more somber side of the singer. This new record is proof that he is on his way to recovery from the past. He sounds more confident and front and center than ever before. This album is indeed a reflection, but more positive than anything. A look to the future and it finally seems like Allan has been set free from his demons. I commend Allan for releasing such a honest album. There is no holding back here. The album is some of Allan’s most consistent material in that he doesn’t try to tell so many different stories. The album has a solid theme that carries through. There is a little bit of everything for fans. At times, songs are melancholy and then they pick up and you experience a laid back classic country rock album. Edgy but sophisticated. This is pure Gary Allan.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Profile on Michael Lee Chin free essay sample

As a matter of fact, Jamaicans are known to excel in just about everything we do. In my opinion, the epitome of Jamaican excellence in entrepreneurism is none other than Mr. Michael Lee- Chin. Michael Lee-Chin, Chairman, Portland Holdings Inc is regarded as a visionary entrepreneur whose philosophy of â€Å"doing well and doing good† as resulted in phenomenal and inspiring philanthropic initiatives. The eldest of nine children, Lee- Chin was born in rural Port Antonio, Jamaica in 1951. He came from a biracial parentage; his mom was a Chinese Jamaica and his father a Black Jamaican. His mother sold Avon products, and worked as a bookkeeper for various local firms, while his stepfather ran a local grocery store. Lee-Chin attended the local high school, Titchfield High, between 1962 and 1969. Lee-Chin acquired his first job in 1965 working as part of the landscaping team at the Frenchmans Cove Hotel. In 1966 he got a summer job working on the Jamaica Queen cruise ship, cleaning the engine room. We will write a custom essay sample on Profile on Michael Lee Chin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1971 he was able to obtain a scholarship sponsored by the Jamaican Government tofinish study Civil Engineering at McMaster University. After beginning post-graduate studies, Michael decided to explore career opportunities within the mutual fund industry (Portland Holding Inc, 2007). In 1977, he was motivated to start his own business when a friend told him about a shortcut to riches called mutual funds. Lee-Chin dropped his business studies, quit his job as a bouncer and took a one-week course in suburban Toronto with a mutual-fund company called Investors Group. In the first month when he started, he made $10,000. He figured that if it was so easy to sell mutual funds, then mutual-fund companies were the place to invest. In 1983, Lee-Chin secured a loan from the Continental Bank of Canada for CAD$500,000 to purchase a stake in Mackenzie Financial Group. After four years, this stock appreciated seven-fold, and Michael used the profits to make his first acquisition, a small Ontario-based investment firm called AIC Limited (Portland Holding Inc, 2007). Lee-Chin also set up the Berkshire group of companies, comprising of an investment planning arm, a securities dealership and an insurance operation. In Lee-Chin’s successful years he also received many awards such as Entrepreneur of the Year Award in the Services Category which was presented by Ernst amp; Young, Canadian Business, Bank of Montreal, Nesbitt Burns, McCarthy Tetrault, and Air Canada; Doctor of Laws Degree Honoris Causa; 2004 International Humanitarian Award presented by the American Friends of Jamaica Inc. n New York; named Outstanding Philanthropist of the Year by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (Toronto Chapter); Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from University of Toronto; Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Youth Business Foundation for his outstanding contributions to Canada’s entrepreneurial spirit; honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from Wilfrid Laurier University; an honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from the University of the West Indies; the Order of Jamaica – one of the country’s highest national honours, for his significant contributions to business and philanthropy; an honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from York University; Luminary Award from the University of the West Indies and in 2011 he receives the McMaster University Distinguished Alumni Award for the Arts. Michael Lee-Chin is always giving back to the community; in 2001 he donated $5 million to McMaster University which is used to establish the AIC Institute of Strategic Business Studies at the Michael G. DeGroote School of Business. Michael pledged $30 million to Royal Ontario Museum’s Renaissance ROM Campaign. In 2004 he donated $10 million to the Campaign for the University of Toronto which is used to establish the AIC Institute for Leadership at the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management. Michael donates almost $4 million to Northern Caribbean University to build a world class nursing school – the Hyacinth Chen School of Nursing in honour of his mother. The state of the art facility accommodates 800 nursing students. In 2002, Portland’s interests expanded internationally with the acquisition of National Commercial Bank (NCB) Jamaica Ltd. and its subsidiaries. Since becoming part of the Portland group, NCB profits have increased to approximately US$100 million from US$6 million (Portland Holding Inc, 2007). NCB today stands as Jamaica’s largest bank with 45 branches, 2,400 employees, and offices in the Caymans and the United Kingdom. NCB was awarded the Latin Finance 2007 Bank of the Year Award (Portland Holding Inc, 2007). In April 2006, Portland Holding Inc. acquired an 85% controlling stake in the United General Insurance Company, the largest auto insurer in Jamaica, and renamed the firm Advantage General Insurance Company (Portland Holding Inc, 2007). A controlling interest in CVM Communications Group (consisting of radio and television stations and newspapers) was purchased at the same time. In the tourism sector, Michael Lee-Chin has guided Portland Inc. through a number of acquisitions in the Caribbean (Portland Holding Inc, 2007). Among them: the Trident Villas and Spa in Jamaica, Reggae Beach and Blue Lagoon. The first Portland acquisition in the health care industry sector was announced by Lee Chin in July 2006, when Medical Associates Limited, a privately held hospital in Kingston, Jamaica, joined the Portland group (Portland Holding Inc, 2007). Lee-Chin is separated from his wife of 23 years, Vera Lee-Chin who he married in 1974, with whom he has three children. He presently lives with Sonya Hamilton and their twin daughters in Hamilton, Ontario. . Conclusion Michael Lee-Chin was not born in riches, he had to fund his self through College. In my opinion Michael Lee-Chin is a self-determined entrepreneur. We see this when he was prompted to use his savings to fly back to Jamaica and convince then Prime Minister Hugh Shearer to sponsor his Canadian education. Through his own determination and the willingness of the Jamaican Government to invest in the future of one its young people, Lee-Chin was able to return to McMaster University after securing a C$15,000 scholarship to pay for his education. Michael Lee-Chin was not going to give up on his goals and he was determined to finish school and live his dream. Michael Lee-Chin journey was not an easy road. When he returned to Toronto with his wife he had to work as a bar bouncer to pay his bills. During his time as a bouncer, he was fortunate to meet a mutual fund salesman from the Investor’s Group, who advised him about the earnings potential of being a mutual fund salesman. Mr. lee-Chin applied to the Investor’s Group and this move changed his life forever. In the first month he started he made CAD$10,000. His determination to be a successful entrepreneur was shown here and also his motto â€Å"Buy, hold and prosper†. In 1983, the year when he decided to fulfill his dream, Mr. Lee-Chin secured a C$500,000 loan from the Continental Bank of Canada and invested it into the Mackenzie Financial Group at C$1. 00 per share. In 5 years, that investment became worth C$3. Million. This was a huge decision to make but a successful entrepreneur normally takes big risk. This newfound wealth allows Lee-Chin to establish a lot of companies including National Commercial Bank. Mr. Lee-Chin is also a generous philanthropist. He has made a lot of donations to many institu tions as mentioned above. He continues to invest heavily in Jamaica and in other Caribbean Islands, buying assets from real estate to communications infrastructure. Michael Lee-Chin is someone that I respect and look up to and hope to have the privilege to meet him one day. He exemplifies hard work and the sense of â€Å"never forgetting where you come from. With the challenges that Michael Lee-Chin faced, I see myself facing similar challenges. I am a very determine person, so I will ensure that whatever obstacles are in my way I will kick them to the curb. At this moment I want to start my own business but I am not a risk taker like Michael Lee-Chin so I am waiting on the right opportunity to go to my investors to market my services. I need to be more of a risk taker. I admire Michael Lee-Chin and reading about him motivates me to start my own business. In concluding, do I think entrepreneurship is for me? I am 100% sure that I want to be an entrepreneur.